Avoiding Common Errors During an SMSF Audit

Personal-managed extremely resources (SMSFs) can be a popular way for Australians in order to save for pension. By June 2019, there have been around 600,000 SMSFs exceeding $700 billion in resources ( ASIC, 2019). Given the multitude of smsf audits and the amount of money involved, it’s no real surprise that the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) audits a tremendous number of these resources each year.

While an ATO audit could be a time-ingesting and daunting process, there are several actions you can take to help with making the method operate as efficiently as possible. With this post, we’ll discuss some tips about how to maximize your Smsf audit efficiency.

1. Comprehend the objective of the Review

The initial step in making the most of your Smsf audit efficiency is knowing the goal of the audit. The ATO auditors will not be there to secondly-speculate your expense judgements or explain to you the best way to work your fund. Quite, they’re there to ensure that you’re complying with superannuation legal guidelines and therefore your account is functioning for that only purpose of delivering retirement life rewards because of its associates.

2. Organise Your Information

One of the better approaches to maximise your Smsf audit performance is to have your documents arranged and easily readily available before the auditor comes. This includes everything from fiscal statements and tax returns to investment records and minutes from trustee conferences. If you’re not sure what documents you should give, the ATO carries a handy check list that you can use as a guide.

3. Be Proactive

An alternate way to maximise your Smsf audit effectiveness will be practical in handling any concerns that will come up during the course of the audit. By way of example, in the event the auditor realizes an error inside your documents, be responsible for this and provide them with remedied info as soon as possible. By being assertive, you are able to aid solve any concerns quickly and avoid setbacks in doing the review.

4. Communicate With Your Auditor

Ultimately, among the best methods to make sure an efficient review is usually to communicate with your auditor throughout the approach. For those who have questions on their discoveries or what they’re seeking, don’t wait to question them. Also, if there are any alterations in your scenarios which could impact the result of the review (e.g., offering a good investment residence), be sure to let them know without delay so they can take it into consideration.


An ATO review doesn’t really need to be a stressful practical experience after some preparing, it could run smoothly and effectively. By using these tips—understanding the objective of the review organising your records being positive and making contact with your auditor—you will help make sure that your Smsf audit moves off without a hitch.