Anyone can have a medical consultation at home with Dr. John Manzella without exposing the family

The home medical service of Dr. John Manzella has great benefits for you and your family since it guarantees that patients have more stability in the area of health. With it, you can receive fast and timely attention with your health insurance, with access to recognized specialist doctors. You can also include all your family members in the best medical service.
The medical consultation at home is aimed mainly at children, pregnant women, the elderly, or patients with special needs who make it difficult for them to go to the hospital. It is not a medical emergency.
However, the home medical service of Dr John Manzella can be used by anyone as long as it is a disease that does not urgently compromise life. Anyone can have a medical consultation at home without exposing the family to the risks of visiting a hospital or losing a day of work to go to the doctor.

A comprehensive review

You can request medical service at home from Dr. John Manzella when you, a family member, or your baby present health changes that are not a medical emergency but require a review as soon as possible.
The idea is to request a medical consultation at home when the symptoms are beginning, in the first 72 hours of the symptoms. In this way, the disease can be attacked quickly, and possible complications that require hospitalization can be avoided. In an emergency, life-threatening or immediate attention, intravenous or rescue treatment, you should immediately go to the emergency room.

Examine the symptoms in detail

When Dr John Manzella goes home, he has a better picture of the patient’s daily lifeto devise a more effective wellness plan. You can forget about waiting rooms and those endless hours for the doctor to check you out. You have more time to talk with the doctor, so you can present the symptoms you are presenting in greater detail.